Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Rocketboom on Nightline

Hey all,
I was just reading the blog and watching Nightline at the sametime (wow, multitasking!). Anywho, they showed a story on (the Vblog that we saw in one of the early lectures). They interviewed the creator and he said that if they put a 15 second commercial at the end of each broadcast they would make 1/4 million a year. He also pointed out that it costs them $25 a day to run the site....


At 8:57 am, Blogger Technoculture and New Media said...

Interesting - US$25 per day doesn't sound that much really, does it? But I guess it has to come from somewhere.

At 5:07 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah , I saw it too. but I didn't think put it at the end of the program . because they would just turn it off, after the program . probablity the best was to put it in the begin of the show . like most other on-line streaming program . so people would actully view their ads.


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