Did anyone see the blatant racism in the media regarding the NO floods? There were two pictures: one of a white man in the water with some groceries and one of a black man in the water with bread and water. The caption with the white guy reads... a man wades in water after finding food. The caption of the black guy reads... a man wades in water after looting through a grocery store. They were Assocatied Press photos and captions which were posted on yahoonews.com. They were taken off the site once people began to notice the transparent racism. I am sorry but that is just sooo wrong and immoral. Sometimes I can't believe how horribly biased the media is in the States. That was just so obvious. I don't think anyone can argue against that... http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/09/02/AR2005090201894.html
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