Sunday, August 14, 2005

ad busters

I was told about ad busters in another lecture of mine and thought i might share it with the rest of you:). Quite an interesting site, Ad busters is a website and magazine entity dedicated to culture jamming, an attack on marketing and advertising. The site ridicules public advertisements, aiming mostly at large corporations, such as McDonalds, Calvin Klein, Absolut Vodka, Tobacco Companies and more. They use ad campaigns of big companies and change the ads around focussing on anti-marketing strategies. These culture jammers are in a sense attempting to interupt the flow of captial, production and consumption- as I was told in my lecture. They are trying to provide an x-ray of the underlying part of advertisements, possibly the other side to the large marketing corporations it is attacking. Not only does the site feature disfigured ads, but includes attacks on big political names, Tony Blair for example. The site also has an online forum which is raises awareness or asks questions on current issues/debates, or media related issues. A somewhat bitter attack on media and advertising?Yes in some ways but interesting at the same time. I know that this is not really what this paper is about but it is good to see the other side, see what media activists are putting out there and how they are questioning the commercialisation in the culture of advertising. However what I do question is the fact that these people are still using media forms, such as billboards, internet and the magazine to attack advertising culture. Hypocritical? or just a way of getting their point across?-Jane.
-sorry just realised an easier way to get to the site is through , the one i gave before is a bit of a round-about way of getting to the media I am talking about, apologies for any confusion.


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