Friday, September 30, 2005

XM Radio

I hope New Zealand would get something like this

With user choice becoming so relevant in todays technocultural society, I really see Radio as lagging far behind the rest of the pack. I don't think I've chosen to listen to my radio over a cd in my car since I bought it as I find the constant advertisments and the coffee-overloaded DJ's to be a bit unbearable. (I find it hard to call them DJ's when they're really just over opinionated narcissistic social commentators) While there are some that listen to the radio to win prizes like CD's and concert tickets I really just listen to it, if I have to, for the music. Sometimes I can flip through 15 stations without hearing one song being played, and that is a frustrating thing to do when you think about why you're listening to it in the first place.

I've looked into XM Radio and it looks pretty kick ass to me, over 150 radio channels, 100% commercial free music. If news, traffic & weather is what you're after they have 50 dedicated channels especially for that. The way they make money is not through commercial advertising interrupting a flow of music, but by a monthly subscription. I'm not too sure on the logistical costs of setting it up, but I think conventional radio has become an outdated technology and there needs to be a better alternative to it, such as what has happened with television, eg.) Free to Air TV vs. Cable/Sky/Subscription television.

(speaking in generalisations, sure there are some good stations out there)


At 1:31 am, Blogger Andrew Cozens said...

and george :p

At 7:12 pm, Blogger Spivey said...

In the states, XM Radio isnt the only one, we also have Sirius.


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