A(nother) blog is born. This is the second time I've used a blog as part of the assessment in 203. Most people got to really enjoy it last time - some even wanted to carry on posting after the course was over. I hope people find it as enjoyable this time. Please remember that, in addition to posting your 10 'analytical' entries (where you comment on relevant issues, readings, web sites etc.), you are very welcome to use the blog for asking questions, providing links to cool sites, grumbling about me or whatever. However, please also remember to be respectful to your colleagues in your posts and comments: offensive material will be removed because everyone needs to find this a comfortable environment in which to communicate. Finally (blah, blah, I know),
you are respsonsible for your own posts. This is a public forum which is visible to the entire world and hosted outside of the University. Do not break copyright, either legally or in spirit. With images, you should either upload them directly to the blog or just provide a link to them in your post. Don't use other site URLs to embed images in your post unless you have the site owner's permission first (or they will be paying for the bandwidth every time your post is loaded into someone's web browser). No doubt there will be other do's and don't's to come, but I can't think of any just yet. Enjoy and don't forget, you need to make a total of at least 10 'analytical' posts across 10 different weeks (which can include the mid-semester break) - so get posting.