Sunday, August 14, 2005

Just adding to the discussion about text messaging from a couple of days ago.

I'm 22 and it doesn't feel like too long ago when text messaging was unheard of. We relied on the telephone to get in touch with people. I agree with Bec- now we have it so easy. With a simple text we are able to contact people,without have to face or talk to them. I text my parents to let them know that I'm well or text friends to say hi. I can even organise work plans with my workmates through texts. I don't particularly like speaking on the telephone- I often leave my land phone off the hook for days without even noticing- and with text messaging I have the convieneince of being able to say what I need to say while avoiding lengthy or uncomfortable conversations!

Personally I love our ability to abbreviate, but it does make me wonder if this "easy" way, will have any long term affects on the next generation's (or even our generation) ability to actually talk to people. Can our social skills be affected? Will people our age become more anti-social then they were ten or fifteen years ago, as they hardly have to face or even talk to people to make plans these days?

What about the way we write? It seems a bit of worry when students are handing in essays in text message form. Is this deterioration of our literary skills or will text messaging just be the language of the future?

Here's a site: for anyone who is a little stuck in the past and has not fully grasped the art of text messaging. A UK website, with a How To Text guide, text messaging basics for beginners, texting tips, jokes and facts (eg, in the UK, an average of 3 million texts are sent every hour), as well as a brief history of the text message. May inform or entertain you. :)


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